Saturday, June 6, 2009

Le Bouleversement

Short version - we move to boston after finishing work and education - we're settling in

Long Version - 

This humble author recently composed a 40 page research paper on the photovoltaics industry (quite entertaining I assure you). During my writing I like to throw in somewhat random literary references and foreign language words and this paper had its share - including the use of "bouleversement". It's one of my favorite french words in that its sound seems to convey its meaning of an overturning - being bowled over or inverted and upturned - a sort of french counterpart to the easily understandable english 'discombabulated'. Unfortunately, it turns out to be an english word as well... harrummph.

Néanmoins (or if you prefer the english, nonetheless*), Ms. Duncan and her handsome SO have certainly experienced quite the bouleversement what with the recent parting from the nation's capital and the voyage to the wicked awesome city on a hill. Ms. Duncan ended her superstar position at Northrop Grumman (she was the superstar, not the position) at the end of the first week of May (there was much weeping and gnashing of teeth and rending of garments and such frivolities at her place d'emploi). Concurrently, the SO concluded his aforementioned research paper (available upon request) - his final labor required for his degree of mastership (why when you get a doctorate, you're referred to as a doctor, but when I get a master's no one refers to me as the master?). We temporarily moved from our southwest efficiency to the house of our lovely former landlords (the illustrious Matt and Rachel), took advantage of visiting parents for an excellent (and expensive) repas (french and old english for meal**), walked across a stage for graduation, went on a cruise***, mailed 7 packages to Boston, and then drove up in gypsy**** style - our tiny but beloved prius packed to the gills.

After the 9 hour trip from DC to Boston via Baltimore, Philidelphia, Trenton, Newark, New York City, New Haven, and Providence (apparently I-95 was created as a contestant for the Guiness book of world records in the category of longest continuous traffic jam - in both the time and distance sub-divisions), we arrived at our humble summer abode (pictures forthcoming) - a sublet***** right above central square in cambridge that was disconcertingly not entirely empty of our landlords' possessions. To the surprise of yours truly, not only did our packages arrive the next day (fully intact - including the bicycle we mailed), but everything actually fit in our apartment with room to spare. Tout le monde est invités de prendre un séjour avec nous dans cette belle ville (you're invited). As for being invited in the fall, we'll wait and see how large the student family housing rooms are.

We've somewhat settled in, we've taken a bike ride to the "beach" (my florida mother scoffed, justifiably at this appellation), we've dined out in a couple of nice restaurants and we've drunk****** at a couple of nice pubs.

We're still lacking in that most precious of commodity (dear friends), but hopefully this will be a temporary malady as we fully intend to force some of our DC friends to move up here (at gunpoint if need be)... alternatively, we could find new friends... harrumph once more.

Up next, an overview of Ms. Duncan's first week at school ... she looked so cute getting onto the bus with her bear-shaped backpack and her cabbage pack kids lunch box.

*if you haven't gathered already, I assure you this will be an endlessly pompous blog
**I really do think some of the pompousness will end when I finish reading Vanity Fair - a 19th century book with a very pompous and overbearing narrator
***the cruise was nice in that we had absolutely no pressing demands for a week (or at least no pressing demands we could do anything about), but it failed to live up to expectations in that we suffered a rocky and rainy voyage down to the bahamas, spent a total of 20 minutes off the boat in the bahamas (alright, it was a little longer than that, but not by much), and we're surrounded by gluttony the likes of which I have not seen since my last trip to the chinese buffet with my fraternity brothers - the second comedien was nice though
****the 42nd longest english non-vowellic word
*****Over the objection of Ms. Duncan I've decided to bring up that somewhat uncouth subject of funds in regards to our living situation for the benefit of those moving to cambridge in the future. For the summer we're paying 1400/month plus utilities plus parking for a one bedroom apartment right above the subway in central square cambridge (and we actually received a discount - our landlords pay 1700/month i think). C'est incroyable!
*****I propose that we abolish drunk as verb form of drink and instead utilize it only as an adjective*******
*******Mostly the footnotes are just to annoy Ms. Duncan


tyeliah said...

Your plan to annoy me with the footnotes worked like a charm.