Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Spring Classes

Tyler and I have both decided to write a post in the hopes that we will push through the inertia and get back to blogging something approaching regularly.

Spring classes began yesterday. Essentially all my classes are electives this semester and it has not been easy choosing them. However, I have pretty much decided and unless something changes (somewhat likely) these are the classes I will be taking...

1.273/1.274 Supply Chain Planning/Design
1.261 Case studies in logistics and supply chain management
15.012 Applied macro and international economics
15.665 Power and Negotiation
ESD.930 (don't know the title - its a project based class on procurement)
Tiger teams - Project based class, I'll be doing a project with EnerNOC
ProSem - Each week executives speak about leadership and operations
Gender and Poverty - A women's studies class that is going to be a ton of work for no credit

and that's the list. 2 of the classes are only half a semester long so my load the second half will be a lot lighter.

Inertia perhaps being overcome, I will write more about the classes once we have done more than go over the syllabus.


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